Terms of Service

You must read and agree to the Terms of Service below before registering and using the services provided by misora.

1. Acceptance to Terms

Mishima Mold Co., Ltd. provides services under the following Terms of Service ("TOS"), which may be updated by Mishima Mold Co., Ltd. at any time without notice. The Client is responsible for reviewing the most current version of the TOS.

2. Definitions

(1) “Company” means Mishima Mold Co., Ltd.

(2) "Client" means an individual or a legal entity who agrees to the TOS of misora website (hereinafter referred to as "our website").

(3) "Agreement" collectively mean each and every rule and agreement posted on our website including but not limited to the TOS.

(4) “Client's Information” means information disclosed to Mishima Mold Co., Ltd. by any Client.

3. Scope of Our Services

At the request of the Client, the Company will provide the Client with the shipping service for products ordered through the Company's website. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Service”)

4. Our Obligations:

Regarding the purchase service, the Company will initiate the shipping procedures for the applicable product only after payment from the Client has been completed and the product price has been confirmed.

5. Prohibited Behavior

While using our service the customers are prohibited from

(1) Engaging in any activities that are in conflict with this agreement and/or any other of our guidelines

(2) Engaging in any activities that might be of harm to the Company’s or our partners' reputation and business operation

(3) Any other activity defined as inappropriate by the Company

6. Disclaimer

Learn more about our disclaimer here .

7. Registration

(1) Only individual or or a legal entity who has agreed to the TOS can register on our website.

(2) Membership registration for an individual shall be applied for by himself/herself and no proxy registrations shall be accepted.

(3) Membership registration for a legal entity shall be applied for in the name of such entity by its officer or employee who has due authorization.

(4) The Company may, at its own discretion, reject any registration application.

8. Privacy Policy

Learn more about our privacy policy here.

9. Formation of Contract

An order from a Client constitutes an application for a contract to purchase a product. Regardless of the chosen payment method and delivery option, when a Client places an order for products sold on our website, the Client will receive an electronic "Order Confirmation" acknowledging receipt of order and providing details of order. A notice will be sent from our website, accepting the application for a contract from the Client and concluding the contract.

10. Cancellation and Exchange of Orders

(1) Orders cannot be canceled or exchanged due to convenience of Client, such as differences in image or size, or incorrect ordering.

* All products handled by our company meet the manufacturer's quality standards and comply with the inspection criteria of domestic authorized distributors.
* Minor scratches, abrasions, indentations, black spots, and other similar issues that may occur unavoidably during manufacturing are understood as part of the product's nature, and we do not accept returns or exchanges based on these reasons. Please understand this in advance.

(2) If a product different from Client’s order arrives, or if the product is damaged, scratched, or soiled, please contact the Company within 3 days after the product's arrival, and return the item by cash-on-delivery (COD) within 1 week. The Company will promptly exchange it for a new product. If the Company cannot provide a replacement product due to its unavailability, the Comapny may offer a refund as an alternative. Please be aware of this in advance.

* If a Client fails to contact the Company within 3 days after the product's arrival, the Company cannot accept returns or exchanges, even if it is a wrong or defective product.

* Returns or exchanges cannot be accepted under the following circumstances:

(I) When the product has stains or other issues.
(II) When there is damage, soiling, or loss of accessories such as packaging, novelties, or cosmetic boxes.
(III) When the Company deems that accepting returns or exchanges is not appropriate.
(IV) When the Client uses a forwarding service company to deliver the product overseas. After the product is delivered to the forwarding company, our company is not responsible for any damage, malfunction, discrepancies, or loss of the product.

11. Transfer of Ownership and Risk of Product Loss

Title to all products purchased on our website will pass to the Client upon delivery of the products to the carrier, regardless of the payment method and shipping option the Client choose. However, if the product is lost due to the carrier's intention or negligence before it arrives at the designated delivery address, our Company will take responsibility for the loss.

12. If You Do Not Receive the Product Within the Storage Period

If a Client is absent for an extended period and fail to complete the delivery procedure within the delivery company's storage period, the product will be returned to our company, and order of the Client will be canceled. Our company do not accept redelivery of canceled items; therefore, if the Client still want the item, it is necessary to place a new order. Additionally, in the event of cancellation, our company will refund the product price after deducting the round-trip shipping fee and administrative fee (fee for cancellation of payment). The shipping fee and administrative fee will vary depending on the destination and packing size, and it will be determined based on the amount of the order.

* If the above cancellation fee exceeds the purchase amount, our company will charge the difference separately.

* Please note that the Client will be responsible for any handling fees incurred for the transfer of the refund.

13. Cancellation Fee

The cancellation fee will be determined by the Company and is subject to change without prior notice.

14. Refunds

If the Company is unable to provide a replacement product due to incorrect delivery or a defective product, or if the product is unavailable due to shared inventory with the store, the Company will issue a refund.

For credit card payments, the payment will be canceled. Please note that due to the credit card company's closing date, the Client may be charged once. To inquire about the refund status, please contact the credit card company.

15. Termination of Membership

Any Client may, if he/she wishes, terminate membership only by himself/herself pursuant to procedures on Website. Upon completion of such termination procedures, the relevant Client loses the status as a Client.

16. Suspension of Use

(1) The Company may suspend the use of the Service by a Client, change the ID and password, and suspend the account if the Client engages in any of the following acts:

(I) Using false information when registering for or using this service.

(II) Violating the Company's membership agreement or the laws stipulated by the country.

(III) Committing malicious acts while using this service.

(IV) Making more than the maximum number of password entry errors, or when the Company is required to take necessary measures considering the User's safety.

(2) The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages incurred by the Client due to the termination of the Service, suspension of use, or suspension of the account.

17. Change of Service Contents

The Company may, at its own discretion, with or without prior notice to Clients, change or delete the whole or parts of the Service at any time.

18. Changes to TOS

(1) The Company may, at its own discretion, alter, change, amend or modify parts of the TOS from time to time without any prior notice. Such alteration, change, amendment and/or modification shall be effective upon posting of such on our Website.

(2) Upon any Client's use of Services after such alteration, change, amendment and/or modification, he/she is deemed to have agreed to terms and conditions of altered, changed, amended and or modified TOS.

19. Jurisdiction

(1) Conclusion, effectiveness, construction, enforcement and/or conflict resolution of the TOS shall be governed by the laws of Japan, whereby United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods shall not apply.

(2) Clients and the Company hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court situated in Osaka, Japan for the first instance for resolution of any dispute arising from or in connection with the TOS. Clients and the Company further agree that any other courts or dispute resolution institutions have no jurisdiction therefore.

(3) Clients and the Company shall perform their obligations set forth in the TOS until relevant dispute is duly resolved.

20. Discontinuation and Suspension of Service

(1) The Company may temporarily suspend the Service without prior notice to the User in the following cases:

(I) When regular or urgent maintenance of the system or related equipment is necessary for providing this service.

(II) In case of interruption or disruption of communication lines, power supply, etc., used by the Company.

(III) When a natural disaster such as an earthquake, typhoon, flood, tsunami, etc., occurs or is expected to occur, or when there is an instruction or order from laws, regulations, or the government, or when the Company independently determines that it is necessary to suspend the service.

(IV) When the provision of this service is hindered due to technical trouble.

(2) The Company shall not be held responsible for any disadvantages or damages to the user due to the occurrence of the above situations.

Last updated: July 25, 2023