Privacy Policy

In view of the importance of protecting personal information, Mishima Mold Co., Ltd. complies with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and this privacy policy. We are dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of our customers.

1. Definition of Personal Information

"Personal information" refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific person by name, date of birth, and other details contained within the information (including information that can be easily cross-referenced with other data), as well as personal identification codes. This shop recognizes the utmost importance of personal information and considers it a significant responsibility to handle and protect it sincerely.
In accordance with the privacy policy and the law on the protection of personal information, this shop discloses the specified details and endeavors to ensure strict compliance. We are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information and earning your trust.

2. Collection of Personal Information

We may collect your personal information when you purchase products or make inquiries at our shop. In principle, we obtain the individual's consent, specify the purpose of use, and collect the information through lawful and fair means. The personal information collected by this shop includes:
a) Name
b) Address
c) Phone number
d) Email address
e) Password
f) Credit card number
g) Shipping information
h) Transaction history with the shop and its contents
i) Information that can identify a specific individual by combining the above

3. Purpose of Using Personal Information

We use personal information for the following purposes:

a) To provide and operate our shop services
b) To confirm the content of inquiries from individuals (including identity verification) and to respond
c) To confirm and process orders and product shipments
d) To send information about campaigns and other services provided by the Shop (via email, direct mail, etc.)
e) For necessary communication, including important notices
f) To analyze the acquired purchase history and other information and provide information on new products and services based on your preferences
g) For internal use after converting it into statistical information to ensure individual anonymity
h) Purposes incidental to the above stated purposes of use
i) For any other purpose of use with the user's voluntary consent

4. Change of Purpose of Use

(1) The shop will change the purpose of using personal information only if it is reasonably recognized that the new purpose is relevant to the original purpose.
(2) In the event of a change in the purpose of use, the revised purpose will be notified through the method prescribed by the shop or announced on this website.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

When an individual requests the disclosure of their personal information, this shop will promptly disclose it to the requesting individual. However, in the following cases, we may refrain from disclosing all or part of the information. In such instances, we will provide immediate notification. A fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each disclosure of personal information.
The reasons for non-disclosure are as follows
a) When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party.
b) When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the shop's business.
c) In cases of violation of other laws and regulations

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Our shop will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer, except in the following cases:
a) When disclosure is based on laws and regulations, and cooperation is necessary with national organizations, local governments, or their designated agents to carry out affairs stipulated by laws and regulations.
b) When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult.
c) When exchanging personal data with affiliated companies of the company operating this shop.

7. Security Management of Personal Information

To ensure the safety of personal information entrusted to us by our customers, the service provider employs rational, organizational, physical, human, and technical measures. At our shop, we handle personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and we are committed to preventing risks such as unauthorized access, data loss, falsification, and leakage of personal information.

8. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

(1) If the personal information held by the shop is incorrect, the customer can request its correction, addition, or deletion ("correction, etc.") through the procedure specified by the shop. Such requests can be made via the inquiry form of this shop.
(2) Upon receiving a request as stated in the preceding paragraph, and deeming it necessary to respond, the shop will promptly correct the relevant personal information.
(3) After making corrections, etc., based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or deciding not to make corrections, etc., the shop will promptly notify the person in question.

9. Suspension of Use of Personal Information

(1) If an individual requests the suspension of use or erasure ("suspension of use, etc.") of their personal information for any of the following reasons, the shop will promptly conduct necessary investigations to handle the request: ① When the personal information in question is handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use.
② When the personal information was acquired through illegal means.
③ When the shop no longer needs to use the personal information.
④ When incidents related to the leakage, loss, damage, or other security matters concerning personal information arise, and an obligation to report is imposed, as stipulated by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, and there is a high risk of harming the rights and interests of individuals.
⑤ Other cases where the handling of personal information harms the rights or legitimate interests of the individual
 (2) Based on the investigation results from the preceding paragraph, if there is a valid reason for the request, the shop will promptly suspend the use of the personal information to the extent necessary.
(3) If this shop suspends the use, etc., based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or decides not to suspend the use, etc., it will promptly notify the person in question.
(4) Notwithstanding the preceding two paragraphs, in cases where suspending the use, etc., requires a significant amount of resources or in situations where it is challenging to suspend the use, etc., and when it is necessary to protect the rights and interests of the individual, alternative actions shall be taken.

10. Changes to Privacy Policy

(1) The content of this privacy policy may be changed without notice, except in cases where laws, regulations, or other matters stipulate otherwise in this privacy policy.
(2) Unless otherwise specified by the Shop, the revised privacy policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

11. Use of Cookies

This shop may use cookies to provide better services to our customers. However, these cookies do not collect information that can identify individuals and do not infringe on customer privacy. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings.
* A cookie is information sent from a server computer to a customer's browser and stored on the hard disk of the customer's computer.

12. Use of SSL

To ensure the security of personal information during data entry, we utilize SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology, which prevents interception, interference, or falsification of this information.
* SSL is a function that encrypts information to prevent eavesdropping and data falsification, allowing for safer transmission of information.

13. Improvement of this Policy

In addition to complying with laws and regulations regarding the handling of our customers' personal information, we will regularly review and make necessary improvements to this policy. As a result, please be aware that this policy is subject to change without prior notice.

14. Contact Information:

For inquiries regarding this privacy policy, please contact the following:
Address: 1-14-17 Befu, Settsu-shi, Osaka 566-0046, Japan
Company name: Mishima Mold Co., Ltd.
Representative: CEO Yoshiyuki Satake
Phone: +81-6-6349-8904